Tim Butterfield
Search Engine

by Tim Butterfield

Search 2.0 contains 3 major design components, a Search Engine, Membership, and Database management. The Search Engine searches the database for the search term and brings back results including a list of corresponding websites, a definition of the search term and an advertisement for that term. The Membership allows a member to logon to the site and use its features. These features are inaccessible to non-members. The Database management side of the site allows users to add websites, keywords and a advertisement to the database.



The layout of the site is designed in four sections; a header, footer, sidebar and content. These are separated into files known as header.php, footer.php, sidebar.php, and <filename>.php. <filename>.php is the main document. This includes all the content and coding for each page. This page also brings the other three together using the include function. The reason we chose to do this is because it made writing the code much neater and more efficient. The header, footer, and sidebar contain condition branches that allow for different situations such as if logged in or if a ad is present. The header also include session loaders and the navigation which are vital and available to each page.

<?php include("header.php"); ?> (contains sessions + header + navigation) <div id=page>
<?php include("sidebar.php"); ?> (contains sidebar info + member details) <div if=content>
<p>content text</p>
<?php include("footer.php"); ?> (contains copyright information)

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