
Tim Butterfield

Browser Specific CSS ToolsEver wanted to make that small change in one browser? You can! Over the years, people from around the world have discovered ways to target individual browsers using their differences to our advantage.
Hide/Show Content Based on Screen SizeA useful tool for optimizing a webpage for mobile devices. The idea is to hide or show content based on the screen size.
Click to Hide/Show Content - jQueryThis is a simple but effective way to present text to users. Instead of large amounts of scrolling to find what your looking for, this hides information, making other area more visible and making the page more presentable.
Insert HTML based on URL - JavascriptA simple but effective way to show different HTML based on the URL using javascript. This code is stackable which allows multiple variations of content based on the URL.
Draggable Carousel with 3 ways to NavigateA standard carousel with the addition ability to drag or swipe slides using a mouse. This include left and right navigation, dot navigation and swipe navigation.
Search EngineSearch 2.0 contains 3 major design components, a Search Engine, Membership, and Database management.
Electronic Publishing on the Internet
Blockbuster Video Interactive Critique
Web 2.0: Public or Private?
Globalisation, Sustainability and Politics
Russia, The Soviet Union and Human Rights